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How To Get Better Grades - Motivate Me To Study

By Lachlan Haynes

Lack of motivation is the most common reason that things don't get done. If you've ever lacked the motivation to do something you know the feeling I'm talking about. The loss of interest, the tiredness, the boredom - it's all related to the feeling that you have "no motivation". But worse still is the feeling that you also don't know what to do about it. But there's no need to fret, it happens to everyone at some point!

Whilst a lack of motivation may not be your biggest challenge personally, it is one of the biggest challenges that students face as they try to find the strength of character to push through high school and College.

When you don't have the proper motivation to complete a task, the task can quickly become a painful and cumbersome chore - rather than a fairly straightforward process. Why?

Well, when you feel 'motivated', it's easy to stay focused over a long period of time and work diligently towards your goal. However, when you are not feeling 'motivated' you will have virtually zero focus and the chances you will even start the task are minuscule. Either that or it will require someone threatening you with something before you'll get started on your work (like a parent taking away your iPad or a teacher removing you from the class). That's not a great way to get motivated!

As a general rule, most people are operating on the base level of motivation - which is fear of negative consequences. What do I mean by this? Well, we act out of concern about what will happen if we don't act. For example, you may complete your homework because if you don't you will be grounded. You may strive to get an A on your Maths test because if you don't your average will drop which will impact your ability to get into University or College. It's not necessarily a "bad thing" but it's the way we are conditioned to behave.

If there were no consequence for not doing your homework, or not doing exercise, or not following the laws - what would happen? It would create chaos wouldn't it? Why would anyone do anything they didn't "feel like doing"?

Fear as a motivational tool is actually important. It creates order and maintains the norm. It allows a society to function properly. However, that doesn't mean it should be the reason you do whatever you do on a daily basis. You see, fear of consequences also leads to great resentment and suppression. So acting only out of fear is not the way to become truly motivated.

Whilst "existing" may work for you for a period of time (and for many people it works for their entire lives) it doesn't both work and lead to a positive approach to life. The motivation we seek to promote is one where you want to complete the tasks you do for positive reasons.

Real motivation is borne out of a possibility. A possibility of what may happen from taking a certain action. The possibility of what can be created. For example, when you ask a girl or guy you like for their phone number, you are living into a possibility. The possibility you may get to go out on a date with them! Sure, you may not succeed. You may get shut down. But so what? The power of living into a possibility drove you to take that action. If you act out of fear, you probably won't ask for the number or take any action and you'll just feel regret. Why? Because fear of negative consequences (like being embarrassed or laughed at) won the day. By living in fear you don't really live. By living in fear you don't feel the amazing power of real motivation.

The answer to finding motivation is actually simple. Whenever you are doing something and don't feel motivated simply ask yourself "What is the possibility here? What positive outcome is going to occur from this?" If you can't find a simple possibility (like I could learn something new, I could earn some money which I can spend on something important to me, I'm a step closer to something I really want to achieve) then you really aren't searching hard enough. There is a possibility in everything. Good luck.

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