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Setting Personal Goals Effectively - Know More About It

By Meggan D. Landis

Every person's ability to be successful in personal goal setting mainly depends on himself. Failure, likewise will depend on whether or not the person is determined, diligent, and persistent. Some, though, stay at the middle and choose not to set goals. Here are the five main reasons why they refuse to do so.
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They are not serious towards personal goal setting. People became successful in reaching their goals only after they decided to get serious. Until you are fully determined and serious about working on and achieving your goals, you will not go anywhere.

Another example of a goal that implies something negative is "stop staying up late." One positive way to rewrite this is to "go to bed early." Negative goals are not emotionally uplifting. Such goals may give you a harder time focusing and working on them. Rephrase any of your negative goals so they will sound positive.

Targeting at the Past. Too often, some people are pressured to catch up on the things they should have accomplished the previous years. The result is, a too long and too congested list of goals and resolutions written down out of the anxiety over procrastination and missed opportunities. If this is your case, do not be too hard on yourself.Remember, you cannot bring back the past, all the opportunities you missed, the time you lost. You need to shift your focus to the present. If you don't and keep on aiming on the past, you will find yourself always catching up until it would be impossible to refocus yourself to the present.

They fear criticism. Some people do not want to be criticized. They hold back from setting good goals because sometimes other people tell them that they will never reach them, or they will just waste their money, effort, and time. You cannot avoid people who give destructive criticisms instead of those that can motivate you. However, you can do something to minimize the negative things you hear. You can surround yourself with people who also know the importance of goals. Be with people who have set or reached goals. And if you still receive criticisms, one way or another, use them as your stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks.

Concentrating on Too Few Aspects. Focusing on too many goals is just as ineffective as focusing on too few areas. You see, too much or too little of something is not good. Most people set goals that are only focused on their work, career, or family. Do not neglect some other aspects in your life like things that make you happy; things like learning how to bake your favourite cookie, competing in an amateur bicycle race, or writing a book. In setting personal goals, balance is also important.

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