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Learn How To Stop Procrastination

By Sebastian Barnes

If you procrastinate then you need to stop procrastination problems before they have a profoundly negative effect on your life. A procrastinator often struggles because he or she puts things off. Some procrastinators find that they are procrastinating in just one area of their life, such as work, while other procrastinators find that they delay necessary tasks in all areas of their lives. Either way, procrastinating can cause problems and should be stopped. Procrastinating may be so ingrained for some people that they do not even know that they are doing it and that makes stopping difficult. However, treatment for procrastination is available and can help people quit this bad habit. Effective anti-procrastination techniques include NLP and hypnotherapy.
Learn More About [How To Stop Procrastination]

Decide that are ready to end procrastination now The first and most important step to liberating yourself from this paralyzing condition may sound a bit obvious but it's a step you can't afford to miss out. You really do have to want to put an end to it right now.If you are only thinking it might be a good idea to STOP PROCRASTINATING some time in the future, then you may as well stop reading the rest of this article now. In short, the pain of not taking action must be greater than the pain of taking action. You need to be so dissatisfied with not getting ahead because of this that you are ready to do whatever it takes to change your situation right now.

Why Do People Procrastinate? Many psychologists believe that people often procrastinate because they have anxiety about starting or completing a project. Other psychological causes include low self esteem and a self defeating mentality. Mental health conditions such as ADHD or depression can also cause a person to procrastinate.

Why do People procrastinate? There are many, many reasons why we do it. A Study at a prominent University showed that 90% of the college students enrolled there were guilty of procrastination. The dropout rate of students that procrastinate is high, as well.The reasons range from many different problems, however, Laziness is not one of them. We tend to think that people who procrastinate are lazy and that is just not the case. There is usually an underlying problem.

While it might be normal for a person to procrastinate once in awhile, it becomes a problem when it starts to interfere with a person's life. It is the type of behavior that can cause a person to lose his or her job and severely impact a person's life.

Then I asked her to tell me what came to mind when she had to exercise. She told me it was hard, she hated being out of breath, was sure people were laughing at her and she didn't want to have painful muscles the next day. No wonder she couldn't stop procrastinating! Like all of us, she is wired to avoid pain first, so even though she wanted to lose weight to experience all the pleasurable benefits she had given me, skipping the exercise because of the pain she linked with it was the greater motivator. I asked her to tell me what would happen if she didn't exercise. "I'll stay fat." she said. "What will that mean?" I asked. She said she would continue to feel unattractive, her clothes would cut into her skin because they were too tight, people would snicker behind her back whenever she was out to eat and she would possibly get diabetes. I wanted her to stop procrastinating so I asked whether she would rather experience the pain linked to the exercise or the pain linked to staying fat. There was no hesitation. The pain linked to staying fat would be far worse and more permanent.

NLP and Hypnotherapy It is not always necessary, nor desirable, for people to examine why they procrastinate. That is why the methodologies of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy are successful treatments for some people.

Firstly don't give up and you won't if it's important enough to you. Analyze where your problem may lie. Are you sure you have committed to the actions above? Do you perhaps need more information than an article this length can provide?If you're sure you have done everything possible then just accept that you need to try something else and if that doesn't work, try something else and keep going till you find a way. We are all different and what works for one person may not work for another. Don't give up. Often the simplest of actions is difficult for us to implement which is why using a tool to assist us to interrupt our negative pattern can be useful.

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