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How To Meditate - A Simple Guide For Beginners

by C.Gowri

Meditation can be considered a way to bring inner peace and joy, help you sleep better, relieve pain and improve physical health. But more importantly, meditation is a doorway into the subconscious. You may be able to understand yourself better through meditation.
If you want to learn how to meditate, this short guide will be of some help. Let's begin with some simple tips.
1. Sit Correctly
Be comfortable. It doesn't matter as much if you are cross-legged on the floor or seated on a chair, as long as you feel comfortable and relaxed. It is hard to focus your mind on something when you are physically inconvenienced. Keeping your body balanced and calm will aid your mind in following the same route. Sit straight, imagining that your head reaches the clouds.
2. Open Your Eyes
Staying tuned in to the present can keep your mind more focused than if you close your eyes and let it wander everywhere else. But if you are more comfortable meditating with eyes closed, you can do it also. Try out both approaches and see which one works better for you.
3. Focus Your Mind
Concentration on a particular object or task is conventionally understood to be focus. Think of a beam of light. It doesn't scatter all around, but is narrowly aimed at a small area, lighting it up brightly. Your thoughts are the same. When you learn how to meditate, your thoughts must be centered on one thing only. You must concentrate all your attention on that single thought for as long as possible.
4. Breathe
Notice your breath as it rushes into your body and exits it slowly. Nothing can anchor your mind in the present as this exercise. You do not need to control or manage your breathing in any way, just concentrate on the breaths entering and leaving your body. That alone will still your mind and focus it on one thing, thus helping you to meditate.
5. Abandon Your Thoughts
If you notice yourself thinking about something, consciously let it go. Return your focus back to your breathing. Do not work to force out any thoughts, as that resistance will only make you more aware of other thoughts. Instead, imagine them as being an unwelcome guest whom you turn away to return back to your work.
These are only a few of many tips and tricks to learning how to meditate correctly. There are numerous benefits from meditation that you can acquire easily through some practice and discipline.

About the Author

On this website, How To Meditate Now, you will learn more about how to meditate and enhance your focus. Visit
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