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Natural Remedy Tips On Self Help For Depression And Anxiety

By Darwin van Panhuis

Men tend to deal with depression differently than women and may show different signs that they are depressed. Postpartum depression is an incapacitating psychological illness. It affects more than 15 percent of new mothers and 10 percent of new fathers. Many parents simply do not tell anyone that they are not coping with their new role as parents. It is common to experience very painful emotions after the birth of a new baby and men in particular do not ask for help. How many men visit a doctor when they need it, let alone get help when they are not coping emotionally or experiencing the baby blues?
[Help For Depression]

There is a piece of advice my mother has given me over and over again through the years, and that is "where there is a will, there is a way". This can be applied to so many situations that come about in our lives, but when it comes to dealing with depression some days you may find you have the will to do nothing. That can be many things in life that bring about that "depressed" feeling, but feeling depressed and actually being depressed are two entirely different things. For example, failing an exam, being dumped, or even losing someone you love can cause you to feel down. However, in most cases these feelings pass and you move own with life.

Moving on when you have depression or anxiety isn't so simple though, there has to be a great effort put forward to overcome this condition. Experts say that loneliness is a natural part of every day life, but for people with this condition that affects of this emotion can be detrimental. It is important to be aware what is going on with both your physical and mental health, you have no reason to feel ashamed about taking care of yourself. My advice is to explore books on depression and figure out what book will benefit you.

The next tip I want to share with you about self help for depression and anxiety is the sunlight tip, ask yourself do you get enough sunlight? It may sound silly but a lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone called Melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and/or a lethargic condition. Speaking from experience I find this to be very true, as working from home means I spend a lot more time indoors and at times it hasn't been good for my mental health. This is also the reason many people suffer from seasonal depression (SAD) which occurs in the Fall and Winter months. If you aren't able to go outside it's a good idea to open your curtains or blinds and allow sunlight to come in.

It's a fact: Depression symptoms will often improve with exercise.Getting started and staying motivated is the key.Of course when you are suffering from depression or anxiety, probably the last thing on your mind is exercise. But consider this: once you decide to make a start and get motivated to help yourself, exercise has the potential to make a huge difference in your life.Recent research has been carried out which has revealed that not only will depression and anxiety symptoms improve, but there will be a positive affect in other areas such as: potential lowering of high blood pressure, assisting in the control of sugar levels for people with diabetes, and improving chronic arthritis symptoms.

This is partly due to hormonal factors, especially when having premenstrual syndrome, postpartum depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and perimenopausal depression. It is a serious matter and should not be taken for granted. A depressed woman will have disrupted daily activities and relationships with others, and these could be detrimental for her health. A depressed woman would show several symptoms including:

Always feeling guilty, worthless, helpless, and hopeless. Women with depression could not shake off such thoughts from their minds.Constantly criticizing herself. They always think that what they do is not enough, or that they don't do anything right.Having changes in appetite or weight. A woman with depression will either increase food consumption or will lose her appetite. She may also have significant changes in weight, at least 5% every month.

Developing insomnia (difficulty or inability to sleep) or hypersomnia (getting too much sleep).Always feeling tired and fatigued even if she do not necessarily perform exhausting physical tasks.Having difficulty thinking and making decisions.Being restless and irritable. Depressed women will get irritated even in the simplest things.Diminished interest in pleasurable activities. Depressed people slowly lose motivation to do things that they would normally enjoy.Withdrawal from everyone or from anything.How can you help a depressed woman in dealing with such trial in life? Here are some tips you could use to help her:

Keep the following in mind when before you go for treatment:Depression treatment may take time to work properly. Do not get impatient. This is why emotional support is especially important. When you want to give up, it helps a lot when someone is next to you spurring you on.You will probably have to investigate which therapy or exercise works best for your depression symptoms. There are some great resources available. Just remember that everyone is different and that one treatment will not 'fit' all. Be ready to experiment.You have to understand what kind of depression you are going through. Remember that depression symptoms are categorized in different levels of severity. I do not think that self help for depression treatments would be a great option for severe depression but professional medical advice should rather be sought.

Depressed people should have a support system, or else, they will feel isolated and this would worsen the them by doing some lifestyle changes like eating healthy and exercising regularly.encourage them to have supplements such as Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies only contain natural herbs like St. John's wort and Passion flower, making them free from side effects. Moreover, homeopathic remedies will nourish nervous system, support a more positive and motivated attitude, and promote general well being.Depression will affect a woman's life, but with early diagnosis, intervention, and help from surrounding people, it will be easily cured.

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