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Breaking The Sugar Addiction

By Cecelia C. Dawson

It is my belief that sugar, in all its various forms, is at the root of every junk food craving. Every kind of junk food has some form of sugar in it: corn syrup, high fructose syrup, glucose, fructose, lactose, maltose, dextrose, etc. When most people say they are going to cut sugar out of their diets, they overlook the hidden sugars; so their addiction to sugar remains.I am going to strategically cut sugar-in every manufactured form-completely out of my daily diet for seven full days. This experiment will either prove or disprove my belief that sugar is the root of all junk food addictions. I will also document any physical, mental, and emotional changes that may happen as a result of completely cutting sugar out of my diet. This will take much planning and research, as many staples in my daily diet contain sugar.[
[How To Break A Sugar Addiction]

So far, my search for a sugar-free milk has turned up zilch. Even lactose-free milk still has sugar in it! I may take the advice of those who have an opposition to milk and completely phase it out of my diet during this experiment. I will have to find foods with similar nutritional value with which to replace milk (protein, calcium, vitamins A and D).There are many to choose from. Unfortunately, while the options are plenty, the prices are too expensive for my budget.Most cheeses are usually free of sugar because the sugar has been fermented out of the cheese. There are other forms of sugar-free dairy products available, but it almost certain that sugar-free dairy will contain some form of artificial sweetener. Reading labels will be important. I'm not too fond of artificial sweetners, so I may have to do more research on acceptable kinds of dairy during this experiment.

Sugar in wheat bread was a big surprise to me. If you look at regular wheat bread, you might find that it contains high fructose corn syrup in its ingredients. Why in bread? High fructose corn syrup helps to preserve it longer and gives it a better taste, and its addictive.The consequences of eating dozens of pounds of sugar a year are obesity, stress, cardiovascular disease, cancer and death. What's worse is that all this sugar is getting in the way of the messages that the body is trying to send to our brain. Those "I'm full" messages are drowned out by the over consumption of sugar.

Like any addiction, you can fight it off and get back on track to feeling like yourself again. Take advantage of natures options for cleansing the body of those toxins. Chlorophyll has detoxifying agents that help to reduce the craving for bad carbs. Taken twice a day, you will cleanse your body and help to create a balance of chemicals so that your body functions like it was designed to.

It may take a good week or two to completely remove every item that contains unnatural sugars and replace them with sugar-free alternatives. Most of the time will be spent "window shopping" at my grocery store to get an idea of what is available along with the estimated costs.Going completely sugar free will actually take much effort and planning seeing as how over 70 percent of popular American foods contain sugar. But I believe the effort is worth the end result of being, looking, and feeling healthier. Stay tuned for updates!

Indulge in moderation. If you are a chocoholic, treat yourself to a square of fine chocolate at the end of a long day. When the chocolate is quality, you won't feel the need to have more and you'll be more apt to take your time and savor it. When you do indulge in a sugary snack, keep it small, eat it slowly, and eat a bit of protein, too, to help moderate those blood sugar spikes and dips.Dilute the fruit juice. If you or kids love fruit juice, try diluting it gradually to the point where you are just adding a splash to the top of water.Become a sugar detective. You can start by knowing the alternate names for added sugars, often found in ingredients lists. These include any ingredient that ends in the suffix "-ose," including sucrose, dextrose, fructose, lactose, polydextrose, maltose, and galactose. Also, look for the following: corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, molasses, carob syrup, turbinado sugar, fruit juice concentrate, brown sugar, cane juice, cane sugar, evaporated cane juice, beet sugar, and sorbitol.

Eating sweets such as cakes, cookies and candy aren't the only way to add a large amount of sugar to your diet. Breads, pastas and snacks made with white flour are processed carbs that turn to sugar in your body. This type of diet can lead to all kinds of illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, digestive problems and even certain cancers. There is also evidence that memory, concentration and focus may be affected.

Sugar dependency is along the same lines as addiction to smoking, gambling or alcohol. Anxiety, depression and phobias are some emotional imbalances that can be connected to sugar addiction. Sugar causes an immediate gratification making the person that's addicted feel like they can't live without it. The down part is that the good feeling doesn't last long. In a short, you go from being energetic to feeling tired. You may have tried to give up sugar because you wanted to lose weight or avoid illnesses. This might trigger the same withdrawal symptoms as some drug addicts experience. Some symptoms are sweating, trembling, weakness and dizziness.

Diabetics should consult their physicians. For others, refined sugar is so harmful that it is worth eating "too much" fruit in order to eat less refined sugar.Don't allow your blood sugar to fluctuate. Low blood sugar, known as hypoglycemia, provokes uncontrollable sugar cravings.Don't skip meals. Eat frequently. Eat enough food. Get enough protein.Healthy exercise that gives you a good appetite will help. However, over-exercising will deplete you and cause hypoglycemia and cravings.Healthy fats, especially unrefined coconut oil, help prevent blood sugar fluctuations. Fats slow the absorption of carbohydrates, increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals, and make you feel full.

Unrefined coconut oil is reputed to help correct hypoglycemia and sugar addiction. Because of the ease with which the body absorbs coconut oil's unique medium chain fatty acids, it is perfect for people who have trouble digesting fat. It is also an excellent healthy fat for vegetarians.Other healthy fats include olive oil, butter, avocados, nuts, and nut butters.Complex carbohydrates also prevent blood sugar swings. They are filling and have a subtle sweetness. These include carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain bread, and other whole grains.White bread and white rice are not complex carbohydrates and will not have the beneficial effects. They will tend to increase cravings.Try superfoods, which are foods with extra nutrition that can correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Those deficiencies are an additional cause of uncontrollable cravings. Examples of superfoods include: superfruits such as acai and mangosteen; wheatgrass juice; seaweed.These techniques help defeat sugar addiction and provide other healthful benefits. Generous nourishment is an enjoyable way to permanently end sugar cravings.

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