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6 Reasons To Become A Reiki Master

By Denise N. Bates

To become a master of anything takes time, dedication and practice. The title of Master implies that we have become expert at using something and that will only come about through practice and personal investment.The traditional route to the level of reiki master is to first of all take the reiki one course and practice at that level until you know that you know all there is to know at that level and can demonstrate your ability to yourself and others.
[Reiki Master]

You only have this moment, and it is what you do with this moment that determines your future.Your own life speaks volumes about you and about your thoughts and actions.Is your life happy, peaceful and filled with love and gratitude? Do you see the beauty in nature as you walk in the parks, sit on the beach, and watch the stars? Are you able to sit in silence and peace with yourself?

Recently I went on a 3 day retreat into nature. It was blissful to have stillness, peace and time to just be! It was also interesting to observe human nature.The pattern that is developing is a constant need for connectivity and activity - despite the surroundings. Even on a remote, peaceful sandy beach, people were on mobile phones, connecting to I-pads, had earphones and music blasting in their ears.. some people were chatting non-stop about the smallest of issues. There is a need for constant action and the lack of silence and peace in life.

Common Topics Taught:Master Reiki Symbol. This is the most powerful and profound of the Reiki symbols and, apart from being a great healing tool, it is designed to help connect you to the 'Great Bright Light' - the literal translation of it's Japanese name. In other words, it helps connect you to something bigger than yourself, helps you energetically expand, helps you enter what I call the 'flow': a state of oneness with the world and everything in it.Master Symbol Mantra. All sound carries an energetic vibration. Mantras and carefully chosen sounds that create profound energetic shifts both in an individual and the world. Working with the Master Symbol mantra, you'll experience what is often an exhilarating energetic shift.

Starting Your Reiki Training.The main point is that you can become a reiki master. The decision is which route you want to take.I took the home study option, simply because it fitted in with my life better and the cost was much less.And I have to say that I am very happy with the training I received. The course has excellent email support and friends who took the other option of the weekend class have told me that there is much more information in the distance learning package.And of course I have all of the talks in MP3 format so I can listen to them again if I feel there is something I missed the first time through.The main thing is this...If you want to learn reiki you should go ahead and get started. I found it to be a wonderful adventure and I now know that I can help both myself and others in a real and lasting way.

Energy Awareness. Here you will learn to better feel the ebbs and flows of energy, to feel energy outside of yourself.Advanced healing techniques, for instance psychic surgery and the like.Connecting to Spirit / The Flow. Everything you learn is in some way geared towards this blissful skill! Shift Your Energetic Vibration.One of the great advantages of shifting your energetic vibration is that it will bring you enhanced clarity in your life (for a detailed account of this, please read my recent article, R + M = C!).This clarity will help you make better decisions and will get rid of the angst often associated with indecision.The next critical reason you want to shift your energetic vibration is that it will bestow on both you and the world (!) greater inner calm, happiness and balance.

While I don't like the terms 'responsibility' and 'duty', I think it is a great thing if we can contribute to the wellbeing of the planet.Since our personal energetic vibration makes a difference, improving it is a blessing to the planet.Improve Your Meditation.As humans, we are programmed to move towards pleasure and away from pain.For meditators this is often a problem because we can so easily be sidetracked by the stream of 'bigger and better' plans our mind constantly offers us.In other words, it tells us that if we will only listen to it a little longer it can show us a way to either experience greater pleasure or avoid pain.

The master is the final authority and hence he needs to be proficient in the art. He needs to be a mentor, a teacher and most of all an expert in the therapy methods. He has to attune all his students the art form in such a way that they become an expert very soon. He needs to help the students practice and master the lower levels of the art and only then will he be called a master in true sense.

Skills.The master has to overcome and be an ace in all the skills that are required in practicing Reiki. Spiritual healing, responses due to emotions, figures in therapy, communication, etc are the skills which a master must have.Energy usage.The master is such a person who knows how to use the energy of the life force in the right method. When healing is done the energy should be targeted on the affected areas of the body and mind.

You also learn that you do not know the answers to all of people's questions / issues / medical conditions... and learn that this is OK. The need to be perfect / always right moves away, and once this happens you move to a new level of awareness and healing ability.So take a step forward on your journey to Mastery, use Reiki on yourself and others, and keep the principles of Reiki in mind at all times.If you are ever in a situation where you are not sure what to do... simply calm yourself down and ask "What would a Master do in this situation..." The answer will come.

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