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The Secret Science Of Getting Rich

By David C. Messier

That life responds to you is an important concept that many fail to ever grasp. For most people it seems like life does things to them and they are there catching. Every so often someone gets lucky and some good things happen, otherwise it just happens. Do you subscribe to that view? If so, it is time to change and get in line with what Rhonda Byrne said.Actually that idea goes back a long way. A fairly recent reference to it is made in The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Wattles wrote the book and it had a little success at the time and then lay dormant for most of the intervening 100 years. Rhonda Byrne was given a copy of the book at a low moment in her life and it was a revelation to her. She turned her failing business and unsuccessful life around and produced The Secret which became a world wide phenomena highlighting the law of attraction and Wattles book, The Science of Getting Rich.
[The Science Of Getting Rich]

By understanding universal truths such as 'all things are energy' the secret science of getting rich teaches us that we are the answer to the wealth we seek. Many search for wealth outside themselves not realizing that the answers were within them. By using the power of mental projection to form a clear mental image of what is desired, it is possible to bring those desires into material form. For those who have read 'The Secret' and 'The Law of Attraction,' these fundamental teachings may seem familiar. But for those who have never heard of them, it may either seem revolutionary or skeptical. Either way, whether you choose to believe or not, these truths exist and affect everything on the material plane including our bank accounts.

As a society we are taught to be skeptical and at the same time we are taught to go outside for approval. This makes for a very bad combination because we stop letting our intuition be our guides and instead work very hard to receive approval from others in terms of career, religion and family life. Living to blend in with the masses is not a path to truth. Instead it is a way to deny our own uniqueness and to bury the gifts within us. By living from the inside out using the principles discussed in the Secret science of Getting Rich, we find true wealth in becoming the best we can be.It takes courage to forge ahead and make a new path and this can be scary for many people. However we only have one life to live and what will we have to look back on when it is over? Will we have been just another good parent raising good kids or will we add to our children's lives by developing our highest potential and showing them through our own example? All these things are possible when we know how to live according to the universal truths that govern our lives. The science of getting rich offers us direction and shows step by step how to do this.

First you have to build a mental picture of what you want. This image needs to be as detailed as possible. What will it look like? What will it sound like? What will it smell like? Who will be there? How will you look? What will you be doing? The more 'alive' you can build the image in your mind, the easier it is for formless substance to bring it to you. I might help to play a movie of what you want in your mind in order to see all the detail, hear people speaking (what are they saying?), feel the new car as you drive down the lane, smell the new furniture as you stroll through your living room. You have to feel as if you already have what you are seeing in your mind's eye.The real key to the process of building your mental picture is to add feeling to it. Put yourself in the place of already having what you want and then feel how it feels to be there. With as much emotion as you can feed into it, let the scene come alive.Once you have fueled your images with emotion and felt like it is already yours, you can then be genuinely full of gratitude that what you have asked for is coming to you. It is the process of infusing your vision with emotion that connects you to source through gratitude. This is how the process works.

Recently there has been a lot of chatter online about The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, and some gurus are offering programs that follow the principles outlined in the book, along with a copy of the book as a bonus. I read The Science of Getting Rich a few years ago, but I thought I would read it again with new lens. You have to read this book with an open mind, and the title of the book is often a turnoff for many. The book is not just about becoming wealthy in terms of money; it's about living a fulfilled life and tapping into your true potential. It's what true wealth is about.

Wallace Wattles is the godfather of the personal development field and he was a man ahead of his time. While reading The Science of Getting Rich I experienced a feeling of dj vu, like I had been down this road before. And I had, his concept is essentially The Law of Attraction. Key to Yourself by Venice Bloodworth published in 1952, says many of the same things, in exactly the same way that Wattles said them. In the film The Secret, the book that the creator Rhonda Byrne refers to that impacted her, is The Science of Getting Rich. It's fascinating to see where the Law of Attraction began, even if it wasn't called that at the time.

Think and Grow Rich argues that getting rich is a definite chief aim, a right so to speak, and it calls for a systematic approach as well, called the law of the mastermind. It now is a matter of recognizing the path to getting rich. Wattles first talks of the first principles in the science of getting rich and soon enough goes on to list the value one must look into. He talks of increasing life, gratitude, thinking in the certain way, how to use the will, acting in the certain way, getting into the right business and ends with the impression of increase, the advance of man and some precautions and concluding observations.Minus the final lesson which summarizes the points, Wattles discusses the science of getting rich in 16 lessons.

Even though Wattles focuses a lot on visualizing what you want, having a clear mental image, and behaving as if you already have what you want, taking personal action is stated outright in many sections. "When you know what to think and do, then you must use your will to compel yourself to think and do the right things... You must not rely upon thought alone, paying no attention to personal action. That is the rock upon which many otherwise scientific metaphysical thinkers meet shipwreck--the failure to connect thought with personal action."This time around, I enjoyed reading The Science of Getting Rich and I saw things I do not remember seeing before. Despite the name, it's quite uplifting and inspiring, and it teaches many lessons such as a grateful heart, humility and thinking abundantly. Here are some takeaways from the book, which will appear familiar to you.

The law of success in 16 lessons is the significant specific difference which may be forwarded as far as these two successful books are concerned. The 16 lessons actually represent the simplification of an otherwise difficult task anyone wanting to succeed in getting rich faces and sometime ends up fearing. Simplification is key to both works by Wattles and Hill. Simplification means making their prescriptions reachable and realistic. Simplification ultimately means success. Simplification means getting rich.In the last analysis, Wattles and Hill therefore are declaring the same basic point. There is nothing complicated in the path to getting rich. Everything is within reach by anyone serious enough to have that desire to get rich shown by the willingness to do something about it. Wallace calls it a science. Hill calls it the law of the mastermind. Both are systematic approaches simple and succinct to follow.

There is no long-winding path to thread, only a brief, direct to the point road to success. Getting rich comes as a result of doing the right things at the right time. One who does the right things gets rich. One who does not do the right things, even if he keeps on exerting effort, will remain poor. This is not based on anything beyond one's reach. The path to getting rich however starts with getting to know how to simplify everything and how to focus one's sight in the systematic run towards success.There will be no need for many things to do. It is clear from the suggestions made in these two works that by doing exactly what they prescribe, success is inevitable. This is what makes things simple. Just do what is said. The two masterpieces clearly outline in very simple 16 lessons the qualities which one must possess in order to achieve success. It is all a matter of knowing what these qualities are. Or perhaps it's a matter of seeing how simple things really are.

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